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Set defaults in your results (res) structure including information about the results and settings for plotting. Use this function to update and add all necessary defaults to your res. If you have defined anything in res before calling the function, it won't overwrite those values. The path to the framework folder should be always defined in your res or passed as varargin, otherwise the function throws an error. All the other fields are optional and can be filled up by res_defaults.

This function can be also called to load an existing res*.mat file.


  res = res_defaults(res, mode, varargin)


  • res [struct]

    results structure (more information below)

  • mode ['init', 'load', 'projection', 'simul', 'behav', 'conn', 'vbm', 'roi', 'brainnet']

    mode of calling res_defaults, either referring to initialization ('init'), loading ('load'), type of plot ('projection', 'simul', 'behav', 'conn', 'vbm', 'roi') or settings for toolbox ('brainnet')

  • varargin [name-value pairs]

    additional parameters can be set via name-value pairs with dot notation supported (e.g., 'behav.weight.numtop', 20)


  • res [struct]

    result structure that has been updated with defaults


  % Example 1
  res.dir.frwork = 'PATH/TO/YOUR/PROJECT/framework/ANALYSIS_NAME';
  res.frwork.level = 1;
  res.env.fileend = '_1';
  res = res_defaults(res, 'load');

  % Example 2
  res = res_defaults([], 'load', 'dir.frwork', ...

  % Example 3
  res = res_defaults([], 'load', 'dir.frwork', ...
  res = res_defaults(res, 'behav');

See also: res, cfg_defaults