It plots the projections of the data (i.e., latent variables).
plot_proj(res, mod, level, sidvar, split, colour, func, varargin)
res [struct]
res structure containing information about results and plot specifications
mod [cell array]
modality of data to be used for plotting (i.e.,
{'X', 'Y'}
) -
level [int or numeric array]
level of associative effect with same dimensionality as
or automatically extended (e.g., from int to numeric array) -
sidvar ['osplit', 'otrid', 'oteid', 'isplit', 'itrid', 'iteid']
specifies subjects to be used for plotting
first letter can be 'o' for outer or 'i' for inner split, followed by either 'trid' for training, 'teid' for test or 'split' for both training and test data
split [int or numeric array]
index of data split to be used with same dimensionality as
or automatically extended (e.g., from int to numeric array) -
colour ['none', char]
for scatterplot with same colour for all subjects or it can be used as a continuous colormap or for colouring different groups; there are three ways to define the colourspecify a variable, which can be loaded from a data file (e.g.,
) using the name of the variable defined in a label file (e.g.,LabelsY.csv
to colour-code the training and test setsuse any other string with a
sign (e.g., 'MDD+HC') to define the colour-code based ongroup.mat
func ['2d', '2d_group', '2d_cmap']
name of the specific plotting function (after plot_proj_* prefix) to be called
varargin [name-value pairs]
additional options can be passed via name-value pairs with dot notation supported
Simple plots
Most often, we plot a brain latent variable vs. a behavioural latent variable for a specific level (i.e., associative effect).
% Plot data projections coloured by groups
plot_proj(res, {'X' 'Y'}, res.frwork.level, 'osplit',, ...
'training+test', '2d_group', 'gen.axes.FontSize', 20, ...
'gen.legend.FontSize', 20, 'gen.legend.Location', 'NorthWest', ...
'proj.scatter.SizeData', 120, 'proj.scatter.MarkerEdgeColor', 'k', ...
'proj.scatter.MarkerFaceColor', [0.3 0.3 0.9; 0.9 0.3 0.3]);
Multi-level plots
To plot projections aggregated over multiple levels, all you need to specify is res.proj.multi_level = 1 and provide a 2D cell array of input variable 'mod'. Input variables 'level' and 'split' should have the same dimensionality or they will be extended automatically from 1-D or 2-D arrays (e.g. level = repmat(level, size(mod))).
% Plot data projections across levels (and averaged across modalities
% in a level after standardization)
plot_proj(res, {'X' 'Y'; 'X' 'Y'}, [1 1; 2 2], 'osplit',, ...
'none', '2d', 'proj.multi_label', 1);
See also: plot_paropt, plot_weight