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Functional MRI data


This is a demo for simulated fMRI connectivity data. We will discuss step by step how to generate data, run an analysis as well as how to visualize the results. Copy and paste the code chunks into a function to create your own experiment or copy the function from the examples folder of the toolkit.

Generate data

First, we generate the simulated data using the generate_data function of the toolkit. We will use 1000 examples and 100 features in both data modalities. We set the signal to be sparse with 10% of the features in each modality that are relevant to capture the association across modalities. The noise parameter of the model is set to 1. For further details on the generative model, see Mihalik et al. 2022.

%----- Generate data

% Data folder
data_dir = fullfile(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')), 'example_fmri', 'data');

if ~exist(fullfile(data_dir, 'X.mat'), 'file') || ...
~exist(fullfile(data_dir, 'Y.mat'), 'file')

        % Generate simulated fMRI connectivity data
        [X, Y, wX, wY] = generate_data(1000, 100, 100, 10, 10, 1);

        % Save simulated data and true model weights
        if ~isfolder('data_dir')
        save(fullfile(data_dir, 'X.mat'), 'X');
        save(fullfile(data_dir, 'Y.mat'), 'Y');
        save(fullfile(data_dir, 'wX.mat'), 'wX');
        save(fullfile(data_dir, 'wY.mat'), 'wY');

Create mask and label files

As we use simulated fMRI connectivity and behavioural data, we need to create mask and label files. Although we recommend to use a multi-modal or functional atlas for fMRI connectivity data, for simplicity, we will use the AAL atlas to create a subset of 100 connections of the full connectivity matrix between all AAL regions. For our behavioural label file, we will simply use indexes for Label and 2 domains as Category.

% Add the AAL2 ( and the BrainNet
% Viewer ( toolboxes to the path 
set_path('aal', 'brainnet');

% Create AAL labels for full simulated fMRI connectivity data
if ~exist(fullfile(data_dir, 'LabelsX.csv'), 'file')

        BrainNet_GenCoord(which('AAL2.nii'), 'AAL.txt');
        T = readtable('AAL.txt');
        nROI = size(T, 1);
        T.Properties.VariableNames([1:3 6]) = {'X' 'Y' 'Z' 'Index'}; % we will need only these variables
        T.Label = sprintfc('Region-%d', [1:nROI]'); % we need characters for this label
        writetable(T(:,[1:3 6:7]), fullfile(data_dir, 'LabelsX.csv'));
        delete AAL.txt; % clean up

% Create mask for subset of 100 connections used as features in input data
if ~exist(fullfile(data_dir, 'mask.mat'), 'file')

        mask = false(nROI);
        full_mask_id = find(tril(true(nROI), -1));
        rand_id = randperm(numel(full_mask_id));
        mask(rand_id(1:100)) = 1;
        save(fullfile(data_dir, 'mask.mat'), 'mask');

% Create labels for behavioural data
if ~exist(fullfile(data_dir, 'LabelsY.csv'), 'file')

        T = table([1:100]', [repmat({'Domain 1'}, 50, 1); repmat({'Domain 2'}, 50, 1)], ...
            'VariableNames', {'Label' 'Category'});
        writetable(T, fullfile(data_dir, 'LabelsY.csv'));


Now we are ready to set up the analysis. We start by running set_path to add the necessary paths of the toolkit to your MATLAB path.

%----- Analysis

% Set path for analysis

Project folder

Next, we specify the folder to our project. Make sure to specify the correct path. We recommend to use a full path, but a relative path should also work.

% Project folder
cfg.dir.project = fullfile(fileparts(data_dir));


Now, we configure the CCA/PLS model we would like to use. We set to cca and to {'PCAx' 'PCAy'} for PCA-CCA. For quicker results, we fix the number of principal components. However, in general we recommend to determine the optimal number of components based on a grid search similar to demo_smri.

% Machine settings = 'cca'; = {'PCAx' 'PCAy'};
cfg.machine.param.PCAx = 95;
cfg.machine.param.PCAy = 95;

For more information on the CCA/PLS models and the hyperparameter choices, see here.

For further details on the choices of data settings, see here.


Next, we set the framework name to holdout and the number of outer data splits to 5 to perform a multiple holdout approach.

% Framework settings = 'holdout';
cfg.frwork.split.nout = 5;

For further details on the framework choices, see here.


Next, we set the computational environment for the toolkit. As our PCA-CCA implementation is computationally efficient, most of the times we can run it locally on our computer.

% Environment settings
cfg.env.comp = 'local';

For further details on the environmental settings, see here.

Statistical inference

Finally, we need to define how the statistical inference is performed. As we use a multiple holdout approach, we have additional options here too. We will perform statistical inference in two steps. First, for each outer split we do permutation testing based on out-of-sample correlation. Second, to infer if the associative effect is significant across splits, omnibus hypothesis is used, which tests if any outer split is significant after adjusting the threshold with Bonferroni correction (e.g., p=0.01 in case of 5 splits). This approach is based on Monteiro et al. 2016. For quicker results, we set the number of permutations to 100, however, we recommend using at least 1000 permutations in general.

% Statistical inference settings
cfg.stat.nperm = 100;

For further details on the statistical inference, see here.

Run Analysis

To run the analysis, we simply update our cfg structure to add all necessary default values that we did not explicitly define and then run the main function. After the analysis, we clean up all the duplicate and intermediate files to save disc space. Note that if you run the analysis in a cluster environment then you will need to comment out the last line and run it manually once the analysis is completed as the cleanup_files function does not work in a parallel environment.

% Update cfg with defaults
cfg = cfg_defaults(cfg);

% Run analysis

% Clean up analysis files to save disc space


Now that we have run our first analysis, let's plot some of the results. Before we can do any plotting, we need to make sure that we have called set_path('plot') to add the plotting folder. Then we load the res structure.

In general, we advise you to plot your results on a local computer as it is often cumbersome and slow in a cluster environment. If you move your results from a cluster to a local computer, you need update the paths in your cfg*.mat and res*.mat files using update_dir. This should be called once the res structure is loaded either manually or by res_defaults.

%----- Visualization

% Set path for plotting and the BrainNet Viewer toolbox
set_path('plot', 'brainnet');

% Load res
res.dir.frwork = cfg.dir.frwork;
res.frwork.level = 1;
res.gen.selectfile = 'none';
res.gen.weight.flip = 1;
res = res_defaults(res, 'load');

Plot projections

To plot the data projections (or latent variables) that has been learnt by the model, simply run plot_proj. As first argument, we need to pass the res structure. Then, we specify the data modalities as cell array and the level of associative effect. In this example, we plot the projections of X and Y for the first associative effect. We set the fourth input parameter to 'osplit' so that the training and test data of the outer split will be used for the plot. The following argument defines the outer data split we want to use (in this demo, we have only one split). We use the second to last argument to specify the colour-coding of the data using the training and test data as groups (teid). Finally, we specify the low-level function that will plot the results. In this case it is plot_proj_2d_group. Please see the documentation of plot_proj for more details.

% Plot data projections
plot_proj(res, {'X' 'Y'}, res.frwork.level, 'osplit', ..., 'training+test', '2d_group', 'gen.axes.FontSize', 20, ...
'gen.legend.FontSize', 20, 'gen.legend.Location', 'NorthWest', ...
'proj.scatter.SizeData', 120, 'proj.scatter.MarkerEdgeColor', 'k', ...
'proj.scatter.MarkerFaceColor', [0.3 0.3 0.9; 0.9 0.3 0.3]);


Plot weights

Plotting model weights heavily depends on the kind of data that has been used in the analysis. In case of our fake functional MRI connectivity data, we will plot the weights as edges on a glass brain. We will use only the top 20 most positive and top 20 most negative weights for the figure. We set this by first sorting the weights by their sign (roi.weight.sorttype = sign) then taking the top 20 from both ends (roi.weight.numtop = 20). In case of our fake behavioural data, we will plot the weights as a vertical bar plot, again using only the top 20 most positive and top 20 most negative weights. As first argument, we need to pass the res function, in which we define our custom processing for the weights. Next, we specify the data modality and the type of the modality as strings. In this example, we use brain connectivity and behavioural data, so we set these to X and conn for one and Y and behav for the other. The following argument defines the outer data split we want to use. Finally, we specify the low-level function that will plot the results. In this example, it will be plot_weight_brain_edge and plot_weight_behav_vert. Please see the documentation of plot_weight for more details.

% Plot connectivity weights on glass brain
plot_weight(res, 'X', 'conn',, 'brain_edge', ...
'conn.weight.sorttype', 'sign', 'conn.weight.numtop', 20);


% Plot behavioural weights as vertical bar plot
plot_weight(res, 'Y', 'behav',, 'behav_vert', ...
'gen.axes.FontSize', 20, 'gen.legend.FontSize', 20, ...
'gen.axes.YLim', [-0.004 0.013], ...
'behav.weight.sorttype', 'sign', 'behav.weight.numtop', 20);
